Terms & Conditions

camping at 'camp on allyn'

We are so pleased that you wish to spend your time with us here at Camp on Allyn - East Gresford.
There a just a few things we need you to know first!

indemnity and other information

Upon your arrival you are asked to read this Indemnity, Terms and Conditions and then sign our register stating that you have read, understood and agree. 

  • Indemnity

    The camper(s) indemnify the owners of “Camp on Allyn – East Gresford” against all actions, claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature (either actual or contingent) which the camper(s) may suffer, incur or sustain in connection with, or arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of the “Camp on Allyn – East Gresford”. The Allyn River is accessible at your own risk. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please be aware that if you enter the river, you assume all the associated risks of using the river. You also assume all associated risks with animals (both native and exotic) together with all fencing (including electric fences). Rope swings at the river are Totally Prohibited: All activities are at your own risk. Push Bike and scooter riders must wear a helmet and if riding after dark a light must be used.

    “Camp on Allyn” reserves the right to alter pricing at any time and to ask for full payment on booking. “Camp on Allyn” is NOT responsible for the Weather or River conditions.

  • Termination by "Camp on Allyn"

    “Camp on Allyn” may terminate the reservation and ask you and your guests to leave the grounds immediately if you or any guests on this property during your stay:

    • Breach these terms and conditions.
    • Cause annoyance or nuisance to others in the vicinity of the campground; or
    • Behaves unacceptably (including drunken or uncontrolled behaviour, offensive language, malicious or negligent use of facilities, theft or any other form of behaviour deemed inappropriate by “Camp on Allyn”.

LIMIT YOUR DAY VISITORS. You must consult with management before inviting day visitors. These must be a limited few and the number of visitors is up to managements' discretion. Please remember that this is a PRIVATE CAMPING GROUND, not a Visitors Centre. Management MUST have the name of any expected incoming visitors prior to them entering, otherwise, they will be refused entry. Inform all visitors that they must register at the office, do the QR Scan and pay a fee per person or they will be asked to leave immediately. No matter how long they are staying.

signs: if there is a sign, please read and follow

  • Speed Limit

    SLOW DOWN (advise all drivers). Please keep your speed down to 10km/h or less within the campground and shed areas. The speed limit outside the camp beyond the work sheds is 15km/h until you are off the property.

  • Check-In & Check-Out

    While we have large sites, this campground is NUMBERED LIMITED. It's not about your site. Please check with the office before inviting others.

    All cars onsite must have the Rego Number listed at the Office.

    Check-In Times:

    Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm
    Sunday and Public Holidays 10am to 3pm.

    Closed Christmas Day (for incoming guests).
    Guests can check in on Christmas Eve and on Boxing Day, however, we do not accept check-ins on Christmas Day.
    Arrivals outside of these times must be organised with Camp on Allyn management directly. Please don't rely on friends to pass on the message.

    All cars onsite must check in at the office and have the Registration Number listed on the check-in sheet. 

    Check-out is strictly by 10am. Late fees do apply.


  • Restricted Area


  • Garbage

    Do not leave us with your BROKEN CAMP GEAR or BULKY items.

    TAKE BROKEN CAMP GEAR HOME. WE DO NOT HAVE THE FACILITY TO DISPOSE OF THIS. You bought it with you so take it home with you.

    Bins are removed Sunday afternoon for council pickup Monday. They may not be returned in time for you to leave on Monday. We apologise. Be sure your garbage is in the bins before we take them away Sunday afternoon. Otherwise take your rubbish with you. Do not leave it on the ground. We cannot help council timing.

    As you have agreed to on check-in, PLEASE SEPARATE YOUR GARBAGE accordingly and place in correct bins or crates as per directed. Gresford Tennis Club collects the refundable items. So therefore, that money goes back into the Community. A tub can be collected from the Garbage Station, on loan to help separate your recycling and refundable and put into the correct bins (see handout). Cigarette butts are not to be put in the bins in the bathrooms or Country Dunnies (cleaning staff should not have to suck up this smell) and definitely NOT on the ground. Put these in the big bin outside.

  • Bathroom, Special Needs Bathroom, Toilets, Night Buckets and Toilet Cassettes

    If you have your own Shower and Toilet, we highly recommend (not mandatory) you use them.

    If you are not showering but just toileting, please use the Country Dunnies, not the Bathroom (shower) area. This helps to keep the shower available for showering. Use the squeegee or mop provided to wipe up excess water. Do not turn the taps on flat out as this causes flooding. Leave the Bathrooms as you would like to find them.

    Please only use the Special Needs bathroom if absolutely necessary. This bathroom is meant for people with Special Needs (you don't know who is waiting outside who really does need to use these special facilities).

    DO NOT put down our Toilets or Dump Point, Sanitary Pads, Tampons, Nappies, Wet Wipes, Condoms or any other product other than TOILET PAPER, POO AND PEE.

    If we have to get a plumber to unblock the system then it may be a long time before being able to use the toilets.

    Night buckets and caravan cassettes to be put down the dump point only, not down the toilet.

  • Children Under 13 Years

    Children under 13 years must always be accompanied to the Bathrooms and Toilets by a responsible adult. Please check that they have flushed and not left a mess.

  • Power

    Guests are not permitted to join or double jack power. Please turn off your air-conditioning or electrical heating when you are not in attendance.

  • Pets

    A pet declaration must be signed for all pets. Friendly pets only, not nasty pets will be allowed on this property. Pets must be on a leash at all times with a responsible human at the other end and faeces must be picked up. Pets must be kept on your own camp site. Pets are not to chase our cattle, horses or chickens. No pets in the Bathrooms or Country Dunnies at ANY time (for health reasons). Off the leash dog run is the Southern side of the campground, through the gate at Site 3. Please only when there is no stock in this paddock. See staff if this is unclear. Please be sure to keep your pets from continual barking. Well behaved pets only on this camp ground.

  • Campfires

    There is a Fire Drum in your area, if you drive over these drums it is at your own expense. Fires are to be contained in a steel fire pit only and kept on the paved pad that is on every location. We do not want burnt grass. NO GLASS OR CANS IN THE FIRE PITS. Do not empty ash through the fence or on the ground (see staff). Please note: if you wish to bring your own firewood, we insist that there are NO NAILS, SCREWS OR ANY DAMAGING MATERIAL. Strictly NO CHAINSAWS or FIREWORKS. Please clean up around your fire drum (wood chips etc). Do not collect firewood from anywhere on our property. Firewood can be purchased from us, in bags or our supplier will deliver half trailer or full trailer load. Please ring him (Paul) on 4938 9283. Leave a message if it is unanswered.

    Do Not Bring Rocks onto The Campground.

  • Safety

    Gates and Doors: Please close Bathroom and Toilet doors when leaving these rooms. Gates at the main road must be CLOSED at all times. 
    Fire Hoses: For emergency use only.
    Noise: Turn down noise at 10pm and no noise after 12 midnight. Generators off by 10pm and not restarted until 8am.
    No Vehicle Access: On the grassed area in front of the Bathrooms, Country Dunnies or Retreat. If you need to get closer to the bathrooms, then drive around the back.
    Activities: All activities including river access at your own risk. Push Bike riders must wear a helmet.

  • Unknown Vehicles

    Any vehicle found on the property that has not been registered at the Camp Office and not paid, will be evicted immediately.

  • Grafitti and Vandalism

    Will not be tolerated. This will become a police matter.


other general information

  • How to Separate Your Garbage

    Yellow:   Recycle paper, cardboard, wine bottles.

    Red:   General Garbage.

    Cans and Refundable Plastic (in the big crate).

    Beer Bottles (in the smaller crate).

  • Defibrillator

    For life-threatening emergencies, there is a defibrillator available at the office.

  • Areas

    Areas are allocated by Management. It is to the discretion of our booking team as to where you may be located. We do try our best to have you where you wish but some circumstances may call for staff to have this changed.

  • Refunds

    No Credit or Refund for any cancelation on Long Weekends, School Holidays or Public Holiday. 

  • Fire Restrictions

    We will try to keep you informed of any fire restrictions. Also, watch for notices on the Country Dunnies and Eastern side of the office. Please remember that you are responsible for your own actions. the NSWRFS will fine YOU, not us.

    "Camp on Allyn" may also call their own Fire Restrictions, depending on weather conditions. Please abide or be asked to leave.

  • Electric Fences

    This is a working Beef Property, so therefore you must expect that all fences are Electric Fences.

  • Site Security

    We do try our best, but you are responsible for your own site and property security. NOTE: There are surveillance cameras at different points throughout this camp and property.

  • Special Needs Bathrooms

    Will be open when we are half to full capacity. Or if there is a person with special needs for this specialised facility. Remember, it is a privilege, not a right to use this Special Needs Facility if not in need.

  • Lost and Found

    Can be found outside the storeroom.

  • Gas Bottle Refill

    See staff.

  • Problems

    We can't fix a problem if we don't know about it. Please ring us and leave a voice message if there is a problem or concern after hours.

  • Office/Shop Hours

    Between 10am - 5pm Monday to Saturday.
                     10am - 4pm Sunday and Public Holidays.

                    Office is Closed on Christmas Day, No Camp Entry on Christmas Day

    These hours may differ from time to time due to personal reasons. We do apologise for any inconvenience. Please ring us if we are needed and leave a voice message 0407 389 420.

    No Voice Message - We will not respond. DO NOT TEXT.